Dear Gilra,
Like I assured you last time, I will now tell you about what happened that night before we set out for the faenguard plane.
As we were sleeping, Rhoswen managed to cast a nightmare spell on all but one of our party, the visions she gave us were horrifying and I'm sure she hoped that they would scare us from our quest. Luckily she couldn't affect all of us, so we were soon all awake, with Rhoswen's last cursing words still fresh on our mind.
Fatigued from our lack of rest, we eventually set out towards the portal to the faenguard plane, when we were once again stopped by a strange mumbling coming from up ahead. I decided to sneak ahead to find out what it was, only to suddenly appear in front of a huge waggling treeant. He seemed to be confused, as in his surprise he whacked me good, yelling something about us being dirty shadow creatures, destroying his forest and friends.
Apparently I manged a few more yells for help towards the party, but alas, by the time they came to my aid, the treeant had already pummeled me to a dying pulp. From what I heard afterwards, the fight was fearce, with the treeant turning some of the surrounding tree's alive, bringing their combined force to bear on the party but eventually our party did manage to subdue the tree, and the gourds of nodrim they found on him combined with his close proximity to the faenguard portal explained his drunken rage.
Luckily for me our friend Palombier was still nearby and able to resurrect me, as I had only recently recovered from my last encounter with death. And soon after, we finally crossed into the faenguard realm.
Once there, we could see Rhoswen's palace tower in the distance, with plentiful campfire light of her army in between. Knowing that we could do little against the army, we quietly set out towards the palace, encountering little trouble until we got close to the gap in the faenguard wall.
When we got close to the gap in the faenguard wall, a wasp swarm appeared before us, and some of us felt the sting of a dart on them. Once again, we had trouble with the swarm, so most of us just set out to find where the darts were coming from, during which I practically fell over something invisible and lost several minutes of my memories due to it, we quickly uncovered a pixie thanks to Gnomy's Glitterdust which didn't stand much chance against our combined attacks.
Meanwhile, Drako had been trying a new approach on the wasp swarm, and eventually managed to blow it away a few times, so while the swarm was busy returning, we decided to make some makeshift torches from branches, bedrolls and whatever else we had on us, in the hope the constant fire of those could deal some damage to the wasps. However while doing that, we noticed there were still some darts being fired at us, and set out to find where from, while simultaneously working out our cropped up swarm rage with the torches. It didn't take long before the wasps were singed on the ground just as two pixies, while our fighter Kinley was waiting to get his sight back after a close encounter with Gnomy's Glitterdust.
Meanwhile Delco caught up with us,he was a young druid that Palombier send as reinforcement, so after the introductions we set out exploring the other side of the gap in the wall. Once again I set out scouting ahead and once again I got a good beating for it, as it turns out Tenzekil had set up and ambush. He, his wasp companion and another wasp swarm had been waiting for us on top of a dirt knoll, probably with a great view of our approach.
Once again, my companions ran to my aid as soon as they heard I was in trouble, luckily I was only unconscious this time, a welcome aversion from my usual sprint to death's gate. Still, I missed half of what turned out to be a mighty battle, Worf drew the attention of the wasp swarm to him, fighting him with his still lit makeshift bedroll torch but eventually having to run without success, until he also joined the unconscious ones. Meanwhile Delco did his best to run around the knoll to try and get me back among the living, he managed to stabilize me and get me semi-conscious, but then he also got hit by the effect of battle, and fell unconscious next to me.
Since part of our party was still behind, looking to rebuild the faenguard wall, that only left Gnomy and Kinley, with Kinley successfully focusing on the wasp companion and Gnomy doing his best in attacking Tenzekil while also trying to convince him to give up, receiving the attention of Tenzekil's lightning bolts and fireballs in return. It seems Kinley managed to slay the wasp just in time to give some healing potions to Gnomy, resulting in a close save as Gnomy eventually convinced Tenzekil that he was fighting for the wrong team.
With Tenzekil no longer a threat, our small party was once again healed and Tenzekil explained to us that a frontal assault on Rhoswen's palace was madness, instead he convinced us that a hidden back passage, following a small river streaming out from under the palace, with it's spring in the underground dungeons might be a better approach. So we once again set out towards the castle, this time for the back passage, making sure to let our rearguard who were still repairing the wall know where to follow us.
The tale of how I finally managed to sneak up to something without getting killed will be for the next time however, as our party is once again preparing to move.
Until soon,
tl;dr: We ended our night in a nightmare spell from Rhoswen, encountered a hostile, drunken treant called Vinroot on our way to the planes portal. Eventually entered the faenguard plane and noticed huge armies between us and Rhoswen's palace, snuck between them up to the faenguard wall where we got attacked by two hidden pixies and another wasp swarm. After dealing with them we passed through the wall and ran into Tenzekil, his Wasp companion and another wasp swarm. After giving Tenzekil a beating he lost his last motivation and turned to our side, willing to tell us about the hidden entrance to Rhoswen's palace.