Currently I've got two written story's in the pipelines with hopefully a third before monday.
The first is my long term goal, to write a roman sized story currently called 'Forgotten worlds'. I'm guesstimating it might take a year or more to get to a form I'm willing to show to publishers tho, so it's definitely long term. A summary of the story idea will probably follow soon (aka. what you would read on the back of the book)
The second is a short story called 'Silently into the night' that I'm planning on submitting to 365tomorrows once I'm happy about the version (which includes some proofreading by others).
This is a kind of doomsday story set in the near future aboard the International Space Station, told in a first person logbook kind of way. If I tell you more, I might spoil the story, so keep an eye out for it's published form if you want to know more.
The third one is my first reoccurring writing goal, 'write another short story before monday that is not a doomsday story' (I seem to be in a doomsday mood right now :p ). Apparently, to become good at something, you best do it allot. So my goal to be completed each week is to either write a new short story or to add a chapter to 'Forgotten worlds'. This does not include any retooling of existing work, like editing existing chapters or short story's or dreaming up a new direction for the book, only newly written tekst counts.
If I manage to keep this up, I'm guessing I'll either become beter at writing over the next year(s) or I'll get allot of written works to show to the world.
A bit about 365tomorrows, they state a 4-6 weeks period before they let you know if it's accepted or denied and they demand first electronic publishing rights, so I won't be sharing any story's I submit to them until after I've submitted them and gotten a rejection. If they accept, then you'll see them on their site first, if they reject then I'll probably post them to everything2 and you'll be able to read them there. In either case, I'll add a link from here to wherever they are posted, as soon as they are published.
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